


Day 0

Image of Samosa

Last year when I did #100daysofMLcode #100daysofcode 🤔 (100 days of ML code is a subset of 100 days of code right 😅🤣) so I saw on various other #100 days even #365 other days challenge of being consistent working on something one likes

One interesting challenge that caught my eye was #100daysofproject by @lindsayjeanthomson


The #tag keyword was last 0.1% bit of push needed to take it as a challenge to widen my knowledge base every day about various tools and technology stack by hands-on learning, to help me later in rapid prototyping of ideas and side projects (maybe better system designs too ? ), otherwise once in office work these things take a back seat and broaden the knowledge base of tools and tricks helps in a lot of places over time and lastly, 1-2 hrs of the day before sleep are spent scrolling Twitter or Youtube, with multiple tabs that just get saved for next day, it’s said to pick a habit of reading before bed every day why not the habit of hands-on and learning something every day

Rules I followed

  • create a project every day without a miss
  • a project could be: an app, a component, a website, a game, a library, hands-on tutorial following a youtube video or some guided tutorial anything, etc
  • the task has to be done before the end of day every day for next 100 Days

How to come with so many ideas or Projects?

It’s simple: I am a genius 😎. ?

Just kidding ?… I’m far from being that.

The truth is over the years I have gathered a lot of interesting projects, posts, articles tutorials that I want to work on but never get to start them. and gathering and looking back to these projects and idea collection gives me an even more creative idea

Also, doing this creative process over and over and over, you end up eventually getting ideas from all the things around you. There are some projects that I want to do because I see a need in my day-to-day life (those app ideas you get while brushing your teeth and before sleep) or the major mental roadblock you get when an idea comes up in head how to get it done/start with or to make that?

For beginning with, thanks to my University providing students with coursera subscription, so all of the projects will be guided projects which will be helpful in learning and act as boilerplate templates and get in the flow.

How much work did it take to create a project?

Some of the projects I did in under 30 minutes, a couple took me 2-3 hours and 1 or 2 I had to “postpone” to the 2nd day because I couldn’t finish them. Although I postponed these projects to the next day, I recreated them from scratch - only using the gained knowledge. This turned out to be a good way to get “unstuck”. Just redo it from scratch.

I would say that I needed around 1-1.5 hours on average per day. This includes: watching the hands-on guided material, setup & installation, and googling stuff, and coding it out.

Keep in mind that I’ve been coding since 2014, so topics I chose or the tech stack I opted for can vary from a wide variety of topics, but it depends on what interests you or what project you have in mind.

What motivated me to keep going?

Even after a Masters Degree and more than 1 year worth of industry experience in R&D projects so many variables and unknown in my head existed in my mind map whenever I think of an app idea or project or some software product that curiosity of how does that work or how is that done keeps me going.

What did I learned during the challenge?

Apart from all the tech tools and tricks, there was a period in which there was information overload with too much diverse learning every day in too many domains, and all information was just getting harder to stitch together so I learned how to Learn Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects which was good and I every college should keep it as optional or recommend or teach students how to learn before teaching. The course gave me amazing insights into how the mind works and how to improve and use it better, the course is free I recommend anyone who has a tiny bit of interest in how mind and thoughts work should check it out, that course helped me form a better mental model or scaffolding for future learning.

What would you do differently?

If I had to do this whole thing differently will make a project that is public and would want to probably screen record in the tutorial or share code or blog post for individual projects others can follow through

Should people do this challenge?

If you have been wanting to learn something or form a habit and it been on the waitlist forever start with a friend or pick it as a challenge to get it done

Project List of 100 Days

below is the project list with the name of the hands-on guided project I completed from Coursera and its completion URL next to it with the date of completion on certificate (all 100 in continuation without a break, on 100th day, ended with having Covid)

DayProject NameCertificate URL
Day 1Build a mobile app with Google Sheets on Glide and no codingLink
Day 2Python World Map Geovisualization Dashboard using Covid DataLink
Day 3Getting Started with Spatial Analysis in GeoDaLink
Day 4Start Your API Testing Journey With Postman ToolLink
Day 5Geo-Visualization in PythonLink
Day 6Automation Scripts Using BashLink
Day 7Climate Geospatial Analysis on Python with XarrayLink
Day 8COVID19 Data Visualization Using PythonLink
Day 9Python Geospatial Data AnalysisLink
Day 10Introduction to Spatial SQL with PostGISLink
Day 11Python Tricks and Hacks for ProductivityLink
Day 12Design and Develop a Website using Figma and CSSLink
Day 13Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and PythonLink
Day 14Geospatial Big Data Visualization with Kepler GLLink
Day 15Create Interactive Dashboards with Streamlit and PythonLink
Day 16Data Visualization with Plotly ExpressLink
Day 17Schedule Cron Job on Google App EngineLink
Day 18Create RESTful APIs for Spotify using PostmanLink
Day 19Build a Google Firebase Web ApplicationLink
Day 20Getting Started With Google Apps ScriptLink
Day 21Testing and Debugging PythonLink
Day 22Emotion AI: Facial Key-points DetectionLink
Day 23Image Processing with PythonLink
Day 24Generate API Documentation from PostmanLink
Day 25Data Visualization with PythonLink
Day 26Interactive Machine Learning Dashboards using Plotly DashLink
Day 27Creating a Wordcloud using NLP and TF-IDF in PythonLink
Day 29Merge, Sort and Filter Data in Python PandasLink
Day 30Processing Data with PythonLink
Day 31Introduction to Docker : The BasicsLink
Day 32Docker Essentials & Building a Containerized Web ApplicationLink
Day 33Introduction to Docker: Build Your Own Portfolio SiteLink
Day 34Create Docker Container with Flask Seaborn Regression Plot AppLink
Day 35Create Your First Chatbot with Rasa and PythonLink
Day 36Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)Link
Day 37Image Super Resolution Using Autoencoders in KerasLink
Day 38Machine Learning with DockerLink
Day 39Deploy Models with TensorFlow Serving and FlaskLink
Day 40Containerization Using DockerLink
Day 41TensorFlow Serving with Docker for Model DeploymentLink
Day 42Siamese Network with Triplet Loss in KerasLink
Day 43Automatic Machine Learning with H2O AutoML and PythonLink
Day 44Machine Learning with H2O FlowLink
Day 45Mining Data to Extract and Visualize Insights in PythonLink
Day 46Predict Future Product Prices Using Facebook ProphetLink
Day 47Clustering Geolocation Data Intelligently in PythonLink
Day 48Build CRUD REST API in DjangoLink
Day 49Deploy a BERT question answering bot on DjangoLink
Day 50Analyzing Video with OpenCV and NumPyLink
Day 51Jenkins : Automating your delivery pipelineLink
Day 52Database Creation and Modeling using MYSQL WorkbenchLink
Day 53Computer Vision - Object Detection with OpenCV and PythonLink
Day 54Video Basics with OpenCV and PythonLink
Day 55Facial Expression Recognition with KerasLink
Day 56Perform Real-Time Object Detection with YOLOv3Link
Day 57Python OpenCV Motion DetectionLink
Day 58Build local development environments using Docker containersLink
Day 59Classification Trees in Python, From Start To FinishLink
Day 60Machine Learning Feature Selection in PythonLink
Day 61Network Data Science with NetworkX and PythonLink
Day 62Use Python to Create a Web Testing BotLink
Day 63Determine Shortest Paths Between Routers Using PythonLink
Day 64Simple Nearest Neighbors Regression and ClassificationLink
Day 65Introduction to Customer Segmentation in PythonLink
Day 66Use Jenkins to Automate Software Build and TestLink
Day 67Build a film club web app on Google AppEngineLink
Day 68Database Design with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)Link
Day 69Create Your First Web App with Python and FlaskLink
Day 70Sentimental Analysis on COVID-19 Tweets using pythonLink
Day 71Create a Google Chrome extensionLink
Day 71Compose and Program Music in Python using EarsketchLink
Day 72Interactive Geospatial Visualization:Kepler GL & Jupyter LabLink
Day 73Personal Desktop Notifier in Python: Covid-19 notificationsLink
Day 74Data Analysis Using PysparkLink
Day 75Medical Diagnosis using Support Vector MachinesLink
Day 76Build a Bot in Python for Basic File and Interface ChoresLink
Day 77Write your own Python tool to footprint a web applicationLink
Day 78Build a Working Chatbot in PythonLink
Day 79Building Machine Learning Pipelines in PySpark MLlibLink
Day 80Create a Dynamic-Link Library with DevC++ for PythonLink
Day 81Linux: Archiving and Compression for DevOps (tar/gzip)Link
Day 82Building Test Automation Framework - Selenium, C# & NUnitLink
Day 83Human Predicament Complex ModelingLink
Day 84Building Similarity Based Recommendation SystemLink
Day 85Simulating Time Series Data by Parallel Computing in PythonLink
Day 86Build a Recommender System in PythonLink
Day 87Getting Started with Power BI DesktopLink
Day 88User Interface (UI) Design with Wireframes in MiroLink
Day 89Plan Projects and Brainstorm with Mind Maps in MiroLink
Day 90The Product Lifecycle: A Guide from start to finishLink
Day 91Introduction to Node-redLink
Day 92Deep Learning with PyTorch: Build a Neural NetworkLink
Day 93TensorFlow for AI: Get to Know TensorflowLink
Day 94Monitoring & Telemetry for Production SystemsLink
Day 95Storytelling With DataLink
Day 96Satellite Imagery Analysis in PythonLink
Day 97AWS S3 BasicsLink
Day 98AWS Lambda and API Gateway Basics - Build Serverless websiteLink
Day 99AWS Elastic Beanstalk:Deploy a Python(Flask) Web ApplicationLink
Day 100Object Detection with Amazon SagemakerLink

PS (continue learning but less frequently):

101Create Your First NoSQL Database with MongoDB and CompassLink

What’s next for Me?

Probably launch the public beta of my side project before the end of this year 🤞.

DSA , ML ? , .NET Core ? lets see

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.