
Java Revision Topic Sets

Java Revision Topic Sets

Java RoadMap [InUpdate]

SET 1:

  1. JVM Architecture

  2. Classes + Objects

  3. Inheritance/ Enum/ Polymorphism / Overloading / Overriding

  4. Transient / Assert / Volatile

  5. Interface / Abstrasct class / Inner class / Anonymous class / Enum

  6. Wrapper classes / Boxing / un-boxing

  7. Marker interfaces / tagged interfaces

  8. Static / final / implements / Extends

  9. Object class inherited methods.

  10. label

  11. Super and this key word

SET 2:

  1. Java.lang pkg / Java.util pkg

  2. String / StringBuffer / BufferReader / BufferWritter

  3. instance of / clone / toString() / HashCode() / Hasing

  4. Exceptions/packages / throws/throw / Hierarchy / Customer Exceptions /

  5. Exceptions with method overriding / finally block related questions.

  6. checked and un-checked exceptions / Extending throwable interface and exception class /

SET 3:

  1. Life Cycle of thread

  2. Threading -> Priority thread

  3. Deamon thread

  4. Runnable

  5. callable

  6. Executer service

  7. Future task

  8. Yield() / Stop() / concurrency / weight notify

  9. Inter thread communication

  10. Thread group / Thread pool / thread safety / thread moditer / shut down hook.

  11. Joining of thread / fork()

  12. performing multiple task.

  13. Runtime class.

  14. Locks

  15. Synchronization:

  16. Synchronization in java

  17. synchronized block / Deadlock in java / interrupting thread /

  18. Concurrent MAP / priority blocking queue.

SET 4:

  1. Java input/Output.

  2. Input / Output stream

  3. Console

  4. File reader / writer

  5. filterinput / Output stream

  6. Buffered reader / writer

  7. print stream

  8. print writer.

  9. push back input stream

  10. string writer/reader.

  11. Serializable / Externalizable

  12. Object reader/ writer - Hierarchy

  13. Regular expressions.

  14. Singletons

SET 5:

  1. Collections: Java - Collections - Set, List, Map, Hashset & HashMap

  2. Hierarchy

  3. Collection of MAP interface

  4. Complexiy for all Collections best/worst cases.

  5. iterable / comparable / comparator

  6. Custom implementation

  7. list/ linkedlist/ hashmap / hashset

  8. jagged array.

SET 6:

  1. Socket programming / RMI / EJB

  2. JDBC and related classes and SQL interview questions

  3. JSP, Servlets, Filters, Servlet Config, Servlet Context - instance related, implicit variables, GET and POST

  4. Transactions

  5. Webservices


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